On May 15, 2014 the exhibition “Faces of Motherland” in Novgorod land artistic culture State museum had been open for display, it was dedicated to the 60th birthday anniversary of Victor Petrovich Shimskiy, the member of Russian Union of Artists. The exhibition includes the most full collection of artist’s paintings and graphic works: oil paintings, watercolor paintings, crayon paintings, drawings. Victor Shumskiy belongs to that kinds of masters whose creativity shows new ways of Motherland searching and understanding in art. The artist says: “the topics of my works exclusevly connected to the national culture. The artist can fulfill yourself through the images and history of his own Motherland. I have put such a task for myself and tried to solve it: My thoughts and personal emotions could be found in every subject”. Victor Shumskiy’s works are a part of private and museum collections in Russia, Austria, USA, Germany, Norway, France, Sweden.