Master-class “A New Year Postcard”


invites you to take part in the original master-class "A New Year Postcard"

from January 03 to January 14, 2016

Mater-classes are conducted by the graphics artist, member of Russian Union of Artists, Academician Likhachev Award winner Nikolay Lokot'kov:

Theoretical part:  postcards history, their origin, variety, art and mail art.

Practical part: development of the sketch, production of printing forms on the linoleum or cardboard, printing cards on paper; painting. The study of the rules of registration postcards. Signature address, sticking stamps, sending postcards via Printing work-shop mail box. One of the printing the form and one of the postcards the participants can take home.

The group of 5 to 8 people:

Length of the master-classes -3 hours (135 minutes)

The cost of each class - 750 RUB./person (250 rubles/academic hour), including all supplies: linoleum, graver, blank cards, cardboard, glue, paint, brushes.


Group of 2 to 4 people:

The course fee is 800 rubles (400 rubles/academic hour).

Individual lesson – 2 academic hours (90 min.)

(500 RUB./academic hour)

Price – 1 000 RUB.

To book a master-class please call: +7 (911)6002269
+7 (921)0205502
or e-mail:

All works performed at the master classes are published on the art magazine "Vvedenskaya storona" web-site in the "Novgorod printing work-shop" section and on  and

Our address: 173000, Velikiy Novgorod, Yaroslav Court,
Ul. Iliina - 2.

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