Dear children, teachers and parents!
The Art magazine  Vvedenskaya storona announces the ninth international Competition "5 scholarships" for its readers (young artists).

The Purpose Of The Contest:
To identify among our readers the most talented children and support them financially. The scholarships are granted for the purchase of books and materials on fine arts, tuition reimbursement.
Age of students: 10 to 17 years.

To participate in the Contest:
1. Send e-mail to the editorial office:
a) the Application form for participation in the Competition in the format (the application form should take from the journal website).
b) Three photos of their work: drawing (teaching), painting (learning), composition on any subject. The format of the jpeg Format, size at least 300 KB. Each file must be signed (name, surname, age, school name abbreviation, city).
2. Each applicant must place your name of the magazine Vvedenskaya storona for 2016 (640 rubles). The money for the subscription should be transferred to the account of edition through the "savings", be sure to include your address with postal code, and save the receipt. Allowed the transfer of money from the school as a single amount. Details can be taken in our journal (p. 52) or on the website www.art-storona.ru section "Subscription". You can also subscribe online.

Selection and award:
1. Conducted by age categories 10-13 years (two scholarships), 14-17 years (three scholarships). The number of students nominated for the Scholarship from the school (the Studio) is not restricted.
2. From the submitted works the jury selects the 10 most gifted applicants. Of that number, determined by lot 5 Fellows and 5 Finalists. The article about the Competition results shall be published one work from each of 10 young artists who entered the final of the Competition.
3. With all the same dignity of work applicants preference will be given to students who apply for a larger number of subscriptions to the magazine Vvedenskaya storona.
4. Five Winners of the Competition will receive the Diploma of the Winner of Competition of magazine "Vvedenskaya storona", annual scholarship in the amount of 12 000 rubles (1 000 rubles per month) and the right to publish their works in the format of narrative report in the site log, "Who are you?".
5. Five Finalists will receive a Diploma of Finalist of the journal and the book about art as a gift.
6. The teacher, the student became a Fellow, was awarded the Diploma "For high professional level of the Laureate of the Contest" and the prize of 1 500 rubles.
7. The teacher, the student became a Finalist, awarded with the Diploma "For high professional level of the Finalist of the Competition".
8. Each applicant will receive a Diploma of the participant and four numbers of the journal during the year.
9. School, who said five or more competitors will receive a certificate of active participant of the Competition and a yearly subscription of the magazine for free.
10. The school, having entered at least 20 applicants to the Contest will receive free publications about your institution in the magazine "Vvedenskaya storona", the magazine Award in the amount of 1000 rubles for the teacher involved in the preparation participation of the school in the Competition, and 4 sets of annual subscription as a gift.
11. The heads of the agencies, prepared the fellows and finalists of the Contest or having entered at least 20 applicants to the Contest will get letters of thanks from the magazine Vvedenskaya storona. The head of culture of the municipality, the office of which is located the institution will be sent a letter of thanks for active participation of your school in the Competition.
12. Participation in the Competition is possible on the personal initiative.
13. The submitted work can be published in different journal sections (e.g., "Masterpiece rooms", "Dog's Life", "Novgorod printing work-shop", etc.).
14. All the entries will be published on the website of the journal www.art-storona.ru
15. Applications will be accepted until March 20, 2016 at the following address: lokotkov@inbox.ru If you cannot send the application form and e-mail, you can do it through the "Russian Post".
The results will be published in the magazine "Vvedenskaya storona" No. 1/2016 G. (April), on the website www.art-storona.ru and on the official website of the magazine in social network http://vk.com/art_storona.

Contact information:
Address: Russia, 175202, Staraya Russa, Sovietskaya nab., 18-61. Magazine Vvedenskaya storona.
Phone: (81652) 5-47-90, mob. 8(921)7394979,
email address: lokotkov@inbox.ru


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